LEDディスプレイは、レンタルと販売と両方行っています。 運搬から設置、調整など、社内スタッフにより敏速に正確に行われます。通常、浜町スタジオのAスタジオに設置されているLEDディスプレイですが、今回のように持ち出し出張レンタルも可能です。
音声収録、アフレコ、スタジオ利用、中継配信、 LEDディスプレイなど、お気軽にお問い合わせください。詳細は下記まで。
東京テレビセンター 電話:0120-86-2020
LED Panel installation for the press conference of new movie “GIRL”
There held a press conference of the new movie “ GIRL” at the banquet hall of one of the hotels in Tokyo.
The item rased the conference gorgeously and grandly was the 350 inch LED panal towering in the back.
The 350 inch panel used as the background made the banquet hall with width and height into the huge world of the movie smoothly.
Its beauty and grandeur is to be called masterpiece.
We’re selling LED displays as well as renting.
Our staffs take care from the transportation to the installation and adjustment rapidly and accurately.
The LED display is usually set at the A studio of teh Hamacho Studio but also available for the outside rental upon the request like this case.
Please feel free to contact us about sound recording, dubbing, studio rental, relay distribution, LED display etc.
Tel:0120-86-2020 Tokyo Television Center