今回は、350インチの LEDディスプレイを4つに分け、可動式のステージを作りその上にLEDを設置。またステージ上にレールをひきその上に可動式LEDを設置。 画像が右から左に流れるように映し出され、真ん中に置かれた正方形のLEDディスプレイが左右に同時に移動し、その後ろから巨大なスクリーンが押し出されてくるといったオープニングです。映画のタイトルや内容にふさわしくいつもとはひと味もふた味も違ったカッコイイLEDディスプレイでの演出となりました。
LEDディスプレイは、レンタルと販売と両方行っています。 運搬から設置、調整など、社内スタッフにより敏速に正確に行われます。通常、浜町スタジオのAスタジオに設置されているLEDディスプレイですが、今回のように持ち出し出張レンタルも可能です。
音声収録、アフレコ、スタジオ利用、中継配信、 LEDディスプレイなど、お気軽にお問い合わせください。詳細は下記まで。
PANDASTUDIO.TV (東京テレビセンター) 電話:0120-86-2020
LED rental at the press event of Toei “Blood of a lonely wolf”
On Apr 3, there was a press conference for the production of movie “Blood of a lonely wolf”
The movie is based on the novel with the same title by Ms. Yuuko Yuzuki and Mr. Kazuya Shiraishi who won most of the movie award in Japan will direct the movie. It is the movie about the battle between gangsters and the relationship of the gangsters and the police in Kure city, Hiroshima before the violent law was enforced. The movie will be on the theaters in the spring of 2018.
The excellent casts who represent the movie business in Japan will join the movie.
On this press event, the LED display added a gorgeous and brilliant atmosphere to the event.
This time, we divided 350inch LED display into 4 and installed on the movable stages.
Also, layout the rail on the stage and put the LED display on it, at the opening of the event, the image appeared as it moved from right to left, the square shape LED display on front moved left and right simultaneously, then a big screen came up from the back.
It was very unique ad cool LED display production which matched the title and contents of the movie.
We both rent and sell the LED displays. Our staff take care of transportation, installation and tuning in rapid and accurate manner. The LED display is usually set at the A studio of Hamacho Studio, but available for the rental as this event.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us about sound recording, dubbing, studio rental, relay delivery and LED display etc. Call below for the details.
PANDASTUDIO.TV (0120-86-2020