東京テレビセンター (浜町スタジオ)事業譲渡契約の調印式が執り行われました。
東京テレビセンターは、数々の劇場公開作品を手がけてきた伝統あるスタジオです。日本で唯一、Lucas Filmに認定されたTHX対応のシネマサウンドを設備した音声と映像の伝統あるスタジオになります。
There held a signing ceremony of the business transfer agreement for Tokyo Television Center (Hamacho Studio).
The date of the transfer of the management is June 1. We’re working on the preparation day by day.
Tokyo Television Center is the studio with long history where a lot of theater works were created.
It is the only studio in Japan certified by Lucas Film equipped with THX compatible cinema sound and has audio and visual capability.
The business transfer agreement of the studio such history and tradition has been concluded.
Please keep your eyes on its activity.