数々の名作を生み出してきた伝統あるスタジオ、「東京テレビセンター」が事業継承したパンダスタジオ。日本で唯一、スターウォーズのLucas Filmに認定されたTHX対応のシネマサウンドを設備した音声と映像の伝統あるスタジオです。
Tokyo Television Center, the studio with long history where a lot of masterpieces were created. Now Panda Studio takes over their business. It is the historic studio officially certified by Lucas Film only in Japan. It is the audio and visual studio equipped with THX compatible cinema sound.
The old staff of the reborn “Tokyo Television Center” and the staff of Panda Studio are going to work together with their high skill and the latest technology.
There held an initiation ceremony on June 1 and all the employee swore the dedication to achieve their new goal with enthusiasm.
Please keep your eyes on us.